Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Political Participation

What opportunities can you find for political participation via the internet. How many of the following can you achieve while sticking to your political beliefs?

Firstly: signing an epetition:
Queenslanders are invited to join the Petition. My message will be sent to the Premier, and a copy retained by the Union.
I fully believe in this petition and i hope that premier Bligh listens to all the petitioners. This is what i signed.

"Dear Premier Bligh,

We, the undersigned, are opposed to the sell-off public assets such as Queensland Rail’s coal and freight arms, the Port of Brisbane, Queensland Motorways and forestry plantations. These assets should be allowed to continue generating income for the State of Queensland and should be operated in the interests of the people of Queensland rather than in the interests of shareholders’ profits.

Up to 10,000 jobs are under threat from this decision with workers facing threats to their job security, wages and entitlements - especially in regional Queensland where Queensland Rail provides stable employment for thousands of workers.

We believe you and your government have a responsibility to the people of Queensland to retain public assets and services in public hands and we call on you to reverse this decision immediately."

It is a pretty strong argument that is constantly in the media at the moment so im glad i found that one.

Secondly "keeping up with the obama's" i tried to find out what obama is doing today! well i found this pretty interetsing blog that follows him and his political travels. Its found at http://blogs.america.gov/obama/

here is a screen shot of this site:

Today Obama is in New York meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. He also gave a speech saying that peace with the middle east is not an easy thing but that it can be achieved.

Yesterday Obama met with world leaders at the United Nations’ Climate Change Summit, President Obama said “no nation, however large or small, wealthy or poor, can escape the impact of climate change.”

This blog is written by Michelle Austein Brooks who is a U.S. government and politics writer who has covered three national elections for the American Government.

Members for parliament:

i discovered through the help of google that my local member for Southport is...Peter Lawlor and he has his own website...http://www.peterlawlor.com.au/index.php not very interesting stuff really he seems all smiles and no action but thats just my impression from his website.

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