Tuesday, September 22, 2009


So in our class we made this awesome news report. and the site ireport allows us to upload our own news stories true or false. it is an attempt at opening up the scope of journalists to allow us all to become news journalists and publish what is important to us individually without letting the massive media barons decide what it is that we call 'newsworthy'. In another class my 2404 Culture, media and Society we had a discussion on whats is 'newsworthy'. I found this website really connects to this theory which has been debated for decades. I love the idea and theory behind websites such as this and it encourages us to not believe everything that we see cause it can always be false or from a different perspective. It really opens up the internet and the way that it encourages diveristy and openness in the news stories even if they are filtered they can provide new ideas, unknown stories and cool information previoulsy considered UN-newsworthy by commercial media.

Our movie that we made is not based on any credible information nor is it true or reliable.

Myself and two other classmates made this in the grounds of the uni, we came up with a controversial idea of the dealing of drugs on campus then used mid-shot interviews to make it seem reliable. I had a lot of fun using my phone (a samsung f480) to film these sections and June who was a pro at imovie on the mac's compiled it all together and we picked some music and effects to top of our awesome movie!

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